Aces Netball Club
Aces Netball Club was established in 1996 with a purple, black and white playing uniform. The Club trains Tuesday nights at Noranda Netball courts and competes in the Noranda Netball Association (NNA) competition at the same place on Saturdays from April to September. Aces is represented by teams across a wide range of ages, competing from NetSetGo through to A1 Senior. Players are expected to train and play on a regular basis. We are a family-oriented and inclusive club, and are always looking for new players (girls and boys) of all ages and abilities as well as umpires and coaches.
Club Grading Policy:
Age cutoffs for different levels of Netball are set by Noranda Netball Association, not Aces Netball Club. Please be aware that age cutoffs match calendar years, not school years, so school friends may not be placed in the same team.
At Aces, we grade all players by ability and fill teams with a variety of playing positions. We cannot guarantee that players will be graded with their friends or with last year’s team mates.